Once again, it's been nearly three months since I've posted......I wonder why I even have a blog since I don't keep it up. There have been many things going on. One of the biggest things is that I read through the entire Bible in 90 days! I found a blog, http://www.momstoolbox.com/blog/, back in January that told about a Bible called The Bible in 90 Days. The lady who runs the blog was doing a 90-day challenge for anyone who wanted to read through with other readers/bloogers online. I decided to start even though they were already a couple of weeks into their reading. I started mid-January and finished in 58 days - yes, the entire Bible in 58 days! It was the first time I've read through the entire Bible from front to back. It was amazing! I plan to do it again. You only have to read 12 pages per day and you will do it! I would highly encourage this Bible for anyone who wants to read through the Bible. It has start and stop points for each day. I plan to do it again soon!
Our city was hit by tornadoes on April 27....that is another post in itself and one I don't have time to write about now....